Sunday, 14 December 2014

Funny new year 2015 eve jokes, Jokes about new year 2015 eve, Jokes for new year 2015 eve, New year 2015 eve joke

Best new year eve 2015 jokes, funny jokes for new year 2015 eve, funny new year 2015 eve jokes, jokes about new year 2015 eve, jokes for new year 2015 eve, new year 2015 eve joke, new year 2015 eve jokes, new year 2015 eve pictures jokes.

Best New Year 2015 Jokes

New Year’s Eve, when auld acquaintances be forgot. Unless, of course, those tests come back positive.
- Jay Leno

Heartwarming Miami tradition: Asking people not to shoot guns into the air on New Year's Eve.

- Dave Barry

I like New Years. The confetti covers up my dandruff.

- Melanie White

new year 2015 eve jokes
new year 2015 eve jokes

I love when they drop the ball in Times Square. It's a nice reminder of what I did all year.

- Bridger Winegar @bridger_w

New Years is a time for new beginnings. Now if I could just figure out where to start. 

- Melanie White

My New Year’s resolution is to take all the Christmas lights down by Easter.

- Melanie White

The first week of January, gyms and yoga classes everywhere are packed with people who made new years resolutions to tone up. It’s like sardines in there. Big sardines. But they’re all gone by February.

- Anonymous

Every New Years I resolve to lose 20 pounds, and I do. The problem is that I gain 30.
- Melanie White

Usually my main goal at a New Year’s party is to remember who I came with.

- Melanie White

Deer readers, my gnu years resolution is to tell you a gazelleon times how much I caribou you! 

Sorry. Bad puns. Alpaca bag and go.
- Greg Tamblyn


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